Originally printed in Natural Awakenings Magazine

Andrew H. Housley announced the publication of his first book, Waiting Impatiently, with publisher, Atmosphere Press.
According to the publisher, the novel provides a gritty story of a man’s spiritual metamorphosis. “As the world begins to shut down in the face of a pandemic,” the publisher writes, “Ian—a well-worn yoga teacher and Zen student—wavers as he stands at the precipice of his life, attempting to accept the gift of self-examination while burying the pieces of his painful past.”
Housely is a yoga instructor at Peachtree Yoga Center in Sandy Springs and teaches small and personal private lessons and group classes at Windy Hill Athletic Club and Gruvn Yoga Soul Center. He is a board-certified holistic nutritionist, functional range conditioning mobility specialist and a Kinstretch Level II certified instructor. He has been exploring writing styles through musical lyrics, prose and poetry.
“Author Andrew H. Housley takes you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening that leaves you with a lot to ponder… a thoughtful exploration of the way loneliness tends to eat away your soul,” says Readers’ Favorite.
Waiting Impatiently is available at most online retailers. List price is $17.99